BuzzFeed InvestigationBusiness, Justice, Labor Crude Behavior Ciara Newton had her dream job at a Shell refinery. But she was fired after enduring months of harassment, including sexist comments from supervisors and a lewd sticker. Zahra HirjiBuzzFeedAugust 6, 2019 InvestigationJustice The Woman Who Took on the DC Police Arrested and placed in a male cellblock, Patti Hammond Shaw faced violence and discrimination. Now she’s changing how police treat transgender people. Nicole PasulkaBuzzFeedJuly 10, 2014
InvestigationBusiness, Justice, Labor Crude Behavior Ciara Newton had her dream job at a Shell refinery. But she was fired after enduring months of harassment, including sexist comments from supervisors and a lewd sticker. Zahra HirjiBuzzFeedAugust 6, 2019
InvestigationJustice The Woman Who Took on the DC Police Arrested and placed in a male cellblock, Patti Hammond Shaw faced violence and discrimination. Now she’s changing how police treat transgender people. Nicole PasulkaBuzzFeedJuly 10, 2014